Attend the Forum on Beach Renourishment on January 9th from 3-5 pm at the North Naples United Methodist Church (6000 Goodlette Road North).  We have joined other civic organizations in sponsoring this forum because we know how critical beaches are to our economic well being and our quality of life.

Tourism is Florida’s biggest industry; in 2012, it accounted for $100 billion in state revenues.  Nationwide it represented nearly 9% of our gross domestic product. James Houston of the Army Corps of Engineers reported that beaches far outstrip the mountains, the desert, all national parks and all theme parks as the leading tourist destination.  But our beaches are eroding….

Find out the different ways we can tackle beach erosion from experts:

  • Jim Beever, Regional Planning Council (coastal perspective)
  • Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management (dredging and sand hauling)
  • Chad Washburn, Naples Botanical Garden (shoreline plantings)
  • Ken Christensen, EcoShore (passive dewatering)
  • Ken Humiston, Humiston & Moore (hardening)
  • Patrick Neale, attorney (funding)
  • Tom Pierro, Coastal Planning & Engineering (permitting)
  • Ray Judah, Florida Coastal and Ocean Coalition (summary)

Jeff Lytle of the Naples Daily News will serve as moderator.

Ray Judah said it well: “The fight to protect Florida environment and quality of life is unending. People have to get active.”

Get active.  Attend the forum on January 9 and invite your friends and neighbors along and consider volunteering to help at the event (contact Linda Penniman: ).

Beach Renourishment Forum
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