You’re Invited to Join Us! We are proud to announce this year’s Citizen of the Year recipients and invite you to join us in honoring them at the 2014 Citizens of the Year Banquet. When Thursday November 13, 2014 from
It’s Time To Vote

Please take time on the ballot to vote on the Merger Amendment for the Golden Gate and East Naples Fire Districts. It is the last item on the last page of the ballot. Changes to Early Voting Extended hours and
Early Voting! Get out the Vote!
Early voting begins Thursday October 23 and runs through November 1. Only you can make a difference by making your vote count! Whatever your choice of candidates might be or whatever your position is on the three constitutional amendments and
Business Breakfast Learning and Networking Success

Great Networking and learning with guest speaker Jessica Macera with Business Dynamixs presents Advanced Networking. Sponsored by Legacy Options Cremations and Funeral Services