On January 23, 2016, the Golden Gate Task Force Team conducted an after storm neighborhood clean-up. The Task Force afforded residents to drop off unwanted household waste, hazardous waste, furniture, tires, appliances, electronics free of charge. The drop off site was located at 4400 Golden Gate Parkway and was initiated to improve the Golden Gate community.

Agencies that participated were: Collier County Sheriff’s Office, Collier County Code Enforcement, Collier Solid & Hazardous Waste, Golden Gate Civic Association, Collier County Utility Billing & Customer Service, and the CCSO Jail Weekenders program.

This event proved to be very successful and netted 17.93 TONS of trash and debris / Household Waste – 3.49 Tons = Totaling – 21.42 TONS from the community.
Congratulations to the Task Force Team for their continued efforts in keeping Golden Gate looking Great!

Clean-up removes 21 tons of trash from community