Dear Golden Gate Stakeholders:
Attached is our draft White Paper for the restudy of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. Following your review comments, we plan to transmit this document to the Board of County Commissioners in memo format, or as directed by the County Manager’s office. The target date for the BCC memo is October 11, so comments prior to Oct. 4 would be greatly appreciated. An additional Appendix including stakeholder position papers and correspondence will be included at that time.
The White Paper is a conceptual document, so specific language proposed for Plan Amendments will be drafted after all comments (and BCC review) are complete. Thus, your comments are welcome now, but remember that the public will also have opportunities to weigh-in during four (4) public hearings: Planning Commission Transmittal, BCC Transmittal, Planning Commission Adoption, BCC Adoption. These hearings have not yet been scheduled. They will be officially noticed once scheduled and will also appear on our Restudy website:
Thanks to all of you who attended meetings, contributed ideas and provided perspectives. Given the difficulties we all face post-Irma, we know this is not an ideal time for review of a large document. However, I think you will find that the organization lends itself to easy identification of areas of individual interest.
Meanwhile, please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions regarding process or content. Comments concerning the White Paper should be directed to:
Kris Van Lengen, JD, AICP
Community Planning Manager
Zoning Division, Collier County
2800 N. Horseshoe Dr.
Naples, FLÂ 34104
(239) 252-7268